Thursday, May 7, 2009

only because i can't resist weekday ramblings

Dad Blogs

Okay I am totally super excited because I have become an official member of
Dad Blogs !!!

Thanks fellows... it feels great to be one of the guys. Hopefully we can use our super powers to reunite men and women in parenting. I love it anytime the genders can meet and learn something from each other. Cruise on over and check them out...there are some absolutely amazing dads over there doing some really fantastic dadding.


Also I have to apologize for my faux pas in Mom Mondays. I just learned of Jon Goslins scandal. So hopefully we aren't all doing what Jon and Kate are doing. But what kind of knuckhead hangs out with another woman when the whole world is watching?! Stupid stupid stupid....well anyway.

To make up for all that tackiness I offer you these cool little gadgets. We love gadgets at my house. try them, you'll like them.

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